We have been hit with sub zero temps, knee deep mud and snow piled head high in the past few weeks. We like to grumble about it but it is the livestock that is really suffering. Momma cows with newborn calves or those getting ready to calve are battling some tough conditions. Your cows are your Factory. If the production line is breaking down, you don’t produce your product and you don’t have inventory to sell. Your have to keep the Factory running. This is a critical time for your cows nutritional needs. Poor nutrition now leads to loss of body condition, calving difficulty, weak calves, and slow breed back.
Hay is in short supply and everyone is scrambling to stretch their forages as far as they can. Much of the hay is lower in quality and we need to supplement this forage to meet the cows needs. Supplementing vitamins and minerals help keep their immune systems healthy so they produce high quality colostrum and strong, healthy calves. Supplementing protein and energy helps the cows utilize the poor quality forage better. They will maintain condition, produce more milk and breed back quicker.
There are many options for supplementation and we can help you choose what is right for your program.
We are currently having our annual Cargill mineral booking. This is a great opportunity to book your mineral supply for the year and get significant savings. The Cargill minerals come with several options for additives including ingredients for controlling fly populations and to reduce fescue toxicity and the occurrence of anaplasmosis.
We are also currently running a special volume pricing discount on our CTI lick tubs. They are 200 lb. poured tubs that make protein and energy supplementation easy and are available with several different additives to meet your specific needs.
Hurry these specials end Feb. 28. Think warm thoughts!