Hey everyone!
FINALLY! China approves the Enlist E3 soybeans! This is fantastic news for farmers everywhere! Enlist E3 soybeans are soybeans that have a triple-stacked tolerance to 3 different herbicides. These herbicides are, 2, 4-D choline, glyphosate (Round-Up), and glufosinate (Liberty). It adds another weapon we can use to help fight the war on weeds. Which, as we all know, is a never-ending battle.
Right now, there are a few different herbicides that are approved to use on Enlist E3 soybeans. There’s Enlist Duo, which is a tank mix of 2,4D choline and glyphosate. There’s also Enlist One, which is just a straight formula of the 2,4-D choline. Both can be tank mixed, but they must be mixed with approved herbicides. That list can be found on enlisttankmix.com.
If you’re interested in planting Enlist E3 beans, we here at Quality Ag Service can get you started! We have some Enlist E3 soybeans available to us through Merschman Seeds. If you want to get ahead of the seed game or just want to know more about the seed in general, give me a call! I’m more than happy to help!
If you’re interested in the herbicides, we have the Enlist chemicals available too!
Have a great day, guys!
Approval of Enlist E3 soybeans
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